Canada played a key role in the Allied invasion of mainland Italy during WWII. In late December 1943, Canadian forces fought fiercely in the rubble-filled streets of Ortona, overlooking the Adriatic Sea. They were victorious, and the Battle of Ortona was considered among Canada's greatest achievements during the war.

Remembering Ortona will give teachers, parents and students the historic opportunity to join veterans of the Italian Campaign along with Canadian dignitaries at the 65th Anniversary Ceremony of Remembrance at the Moro River War Cemetery in Ortona, where 1,375 Canadians are buried.


In 1943, Canadian troops participated in a battle that would ultimately become their legacy. Having moved north along the rocky coastline of the Adriatic Sea, Canada's soldiers invaded the small village of Ortona, a war-torn but formidable German stronghold.

Amid heavy rubble and debris, brave Canadians fought against the German Occupation on behalf of the Allied Forces. German soldiers fired from within the evacuated city's crumbling buildings, and combat raged along the narrow and winding city streets.

The 8-day battle was small but intense, resulting in nearly 1,400 Canadian casualties and considered one of the most violent battles of World War II. In fact, Ortona had been a territory Hitler ordered to be defended at all costs, and the Canadian soldiers were met with exceptional force.

Yet despite the severe opposition and the brutal fighting that thundered past Christmas Day, Canadian troops pressed the Germans into retreat and conquered the city. It was a remarkable victory that marked the dissolution of German control and the merit of Canada's Italian Campaign contribution.

Our Itinerary


Day 1 > November 19 > Overnight flight to Germany

Day 2 > November 20 > Guten Tag Munich
Meet your Tour Director and check into hotel
Munich city walk

Day 3 > November 21 > Munich Landmarks
Guided sightseeing tour
Nymphenburg Palace visit
Residenz visit
Alte Pinakothek
Deutsches Museum
BMW headquarters
Olympic site of 1972
Neues Rathaus
Visit Dachau

Day 4 > November 22 > Munich--Venice
Travel via Innsbruck to Venice

Day 5 > November 23 > Venice Landmarks
Guided walking sightseeing tour with Whisper headsets
St. Mark’s Square
Basilica di San Marco
Visit Doges’ Palace
Glass-blowing demo

Day 6 > November 24 > Venice--Ortona
Travel to Ortona

Day 7 > November 25 > Ortona
Ortona Celebration

Day 8 > November 26 > Ortona--Rome
Travel to Rome via Cassino
Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery

Day 9 > November 27 > Vatican City
Vatican guided sightseeing tour with Whisper headsets
Visit Sistine Chapel
Visit St. Peter’s Basilica
St. Peter’s Basilica Ceremony

Day 10 > November 28 > Imperial Rome
Rome ancient city guided walking sightseeing tour with Whisper headsets
Visit Colosseum
Forum Romanum visit
Piazza Venezia

Day 11 > November 29 > End Tour

Friday, November 28, 2008

The end is near

It is Friday night at 9:00 and I am in a little internet cafe
the last two days have been very very busy
On Thursday, we travelled around rome--- the forum, Tomb of Victor Emanual, and then to the vatican
Words can not describe that place
They held a special mass for the 1500 canadians there
today, we finished a full tour of the place
did i say magnificent?
then we went to some Christian Catacombs
burial chambers 4 levels under the ground -- very impressive
then we did some more shopping and came back to the hotel

The kids have been wonderful on the trip
Our driver Giacomo, and our tour guide Nadia have been fantastic

I will try to post some pictures tonight

We should be back in Chesley around 11 tomorrow night, and the kids will be calling home when we are within 30 minutes of the school

Our next trip is hopefully to the Neatherlands

Stay tuned for more information

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday the 25th -- Ortona celebration

The rain held off for the celebration. 1300 Canadian school children in their red coats in a perfectly manacured cemetary. A very moving and humbling moment.
From there we marched 8 km into the town -- down one hill and up the next. Norma and Kerrie Lynn were not very impressed.
We then went into a church where everyone was treated to a dinner --- meatballs, potatoes, pasta, a roll, an orange and a bottle of water. Very nice.
We then marched into town were we attended a church service with a lot of the local.
The highlight was an 80+ year old man came up and asked if he could have a flag. We gave him a flag and some pins. He thanked us and then told us that he was 12 when the Canadians came, and he worked in the kitchens . He was very happy and appreciative. Lots of stories like this are popping up all over.
Means a lot to hear these stories
The students are awesome. Very respectful and well behaved.
I think they are having a good day.
We are leaving for the Ortona museum in 5 minutes, so that is all for today.
Another early day tomorrow when we leave for Cassino and then into Rome.
Three more full days and then the long ride home.
still lots to see

Monday Noivember 24th

What a day
We left at around 8:15. it was cool but clear. As we left Jeloso, it started to rain and then the rain turned to snow. The roads were not plowed and things were slow.
Our driver, Jockomo, was great. He found a way around all the traffic, and got us to our truck stop for lunch. mmmmmmm ham and cheese on a kaiser.
We decided at this point that we would take a short cut and check out the oldest independant state in Europe --- San Marino. A good decision.
As we pulled into Rimini, we looked up into the clouds, and above the clouds was a mountain, and on the mountain you could see castle walls. That was where we were heading.
The place was amazing. Old and ancient. Small winding streets that went on forever higher and higher.
Lots of great shopping. Finally, we got back on the bus and finally arrived at our destination 20 km from Ortona. Our first hotel was very nice. Our second one was a dive. This one was like we died and went to heaven. It is on the Adriatic coast. Every room faces the sea. towel warmers, large rooms and everybody eats together in a large banquet hall.
The best part is the energy saving devices. the rooms are magnetically sealed, and when you go in, youturn the power on with your card. What we did not know was that you stuck the card in the slot to keep the power on. More than one person got caught in the washroom when the lights went out. hahhahahaha
It is an early day tomorrow as we leave for Ortona and the celebration.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 5

Early rise this morning. We are off to the island of Venice
It is about a 40 minute bus ride and then a 30 minute boat ride to Venice -- the city in the water
When you arrive, the first thing you notice is the architecture -- WOW
our first stop was at the Royal palace and prison.
everything is painted in massive murals
every room has at least 10
When we left, we went to a glass blowing exhibit -- WOW
the master made a glass horse--tinted blue, right in front of us. Amazing
Most of the group then went on a gondola ride, while i toured the city and made some postings.
The place is massive. We are here until 4:45 when we board the boat and head back to the hotel.
there are shops and hundreds of pigeons everywhere
Venetian masks are very pretty
Tomorrow is another travel day as we head to Ortona to prepare for the ceremony.
Don't forget, tomorrow the students will be talking to John Divinsky live on 98 the beach at 10:00 am sharp.


The internet is not the best in Europe. Our hotel does not have internet, and it is hard to find a cafe ( and expensive ).
I will try to post pictures as soon as I can.
Until then, check out the explorica site .


Day 3 ... Innsbruck , Austria and Italy.

Day three saw us leave Germany and head into Austria. The weather was starting to change. They were calling for a storm in Germany. As we approached the border, the first thing you noticed were the mountains. Within 20 minutes we went from green grass to snow covered slopes.
Our first stop was at Innsbruck. We went to the St. Joseph Cathedral -- a Roccoco style church. The only words that can describe it were massive and very, very beautiful. Gold, silver and marble everywhere. We then had a free run on the town for 2 hours. Lots of neat shops and restaurants.
Once on the bus it was time to settle down for a 6 hour ride into Italy.
Every town has a church, every mountain has a castle.
As we entered Italy, we lost the snow and saw sunlight. There are vineyards everywhere.
We arrived at Josolo at 7, just in time for supper, and 8 other busses arriving. This hotel is not the Rivoli -- I would only rate it a 2. Ask the ladies about their "villas".
Time to settle in.

Day 2 -- Munich

Our hotel was great. We all had breakfast and loaded the bus to meet our city tour-guide Marcus. He drove us around the city and told us of all the cites --- the Olympic stadium, BMW headquarters, and his own personal opinion on the best soccer team in Germany -- FC Bayer Muchin. Our first stop was at the Spring palace of the former ruling family of Germany. What a place -- over 2000 feet wide , I would say it would be close to Versaille ( but don't ask a german about that ). When we finished with Marcus, we went to the Acedemy -- another palace. It was enormous. We then had time to tour the streets of Munich. Highlights included seeing and hearing the Glockenspiel go off at noon.
The afternoon was spent on a trip to Dachau Concentration camp. What a very humbling place. The pictures of the prisoners, the barracks, the ovens and then the 30 minute video on the people of Dachau. We can not imagine the horrors that occurred there.
Once we were finished there, we went back into Munich where we had supper at the Hard Rock Cafe -- burgers and fries.
Mrs. Boys will be bringing home a piece of Munich with here as she stumbled on the cobblestone streets and fell on her knee. Good thing I was there to help -- and take pictures.

Day 1 -- Departure

What a day -- it was snowing when we left Chesley, but we were all in high spirits. The bus left on time and we made one small pitstop in Orangeville to get some Timmy's and a drink.
Traffic towards the airport is terrible -- lots of construction.
Our bus driver was great and we arrived at the airport exactly on time.
That was the end of our good luck. We were supposed to load the plane at 5:40, but the flight attendants and pilots were 45 minutes late. Then, when it was time to leave, we had to make a pitstop to get de-iced. This was not only happening to us, but all the other planes. Once we were de-iced, we waited in line to take-off ---but we waited too long. We now needed to re-fuel and de-ice again. In total, we sat on the plane almost 4 hours before we could leave.
Once we got to Heathrow, we missed our connecting flight. They were great there and had a new one ready for us at 12:30 ( three hours after our original time to leave.
We arrived in Munich at roughly 4:00 and met our tour guide Nadia -- she was great. Very friendly and accomodating.
Our schedule said that we were to go on a walking tour of Munich, but it was getting dark, and we were tired. So, we went to our hotel instead -- the Rivoli. Nice hotel.
We ate our supper ( cream of potato soup, schnitzel and some other thing called sphetzel? It wasn't too bad. We also met our travelling partners from Alberta. Early start as we leave for a tour at 8:30 in the morning.